Lorem Ipsum Motorcycle Picnic


Lorem Ipsum Motorcycle Picnic

The Lorem Ipsum Vintage Motorcycle Picnic is held annually on the 3rd Saturday of July, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Railroad Avenue outside Driftless Books & Music in Viroqua's Historic Tobacco Warehouse District.

Established in 2010, the event welcomes a modest number of interesting older motorcycles, as well as riders of newer motorcycles, all with a common interest in going for a ride to Viroqua to meet other intelligent and beautiful people who appreciate and enjoy everything that is great about motorcycles.

We are happy that Lorem Ipsum has a reputation for its laid back atmosphere and delicious fare, which is most often is the best bratwurst on a roll you will ever have, piled with your choice of kraut or kimchee or neither, and a side of organic blue corn chips. A tin fish option is often available for pescatarians. Water is also available, but please bring your own vessel, or choice of refreshing drink. This way you can drink whatever suits you best.

This is the same event that used to be promoted and updated on a Facebook page, but we're not doing that anymore because Facebook is a drag and we don't really want to promote it anyway. After so many years, word of mouth is good enough.

Stickers and shirts are sold at the event and here in the Lorem Ipsum category.

The event is hosted by the Team Zissou Motorcycle Club and sponsored by driftless.earth, in cooperation with Driftless Books & Music. We hope to see you there.